Saturday, September 17, 2011

It's A.............GIRL!

Wow! So nothing can really explain the feeling when you see your little one for the first time in your tummy! I couldn't wait for this appointment and cant explained how happy, grateful, and so in love I am with her. Its amazing how such a little thing kicking and moving around can make you feel like you have never loved something so much, and you haven't even gotten to hold or kiss her yet! We cant wait for the day she makes her big debut! Is it bad we already want to spoil her? I already have a million things running through my head like making cute stuff for her and making her the best nursery every! Her daddy already knows he is in for tons of flowers and bows placed on her head, he even thinks that she might just come out with a bow on her head and he just might be right ;) In the first trimester I had a really hard time with morning sickness, now this wasn't just "morning" this was pretty much all day and I lost 10lbs because of it! Now I'm not complaining about loosing weight :) Now that I am in my second trimester I feel so much better! Every once and a while I don't feel so great but its nothing like that first trimester! Looking back when I felt miserable I would of rather had the flu! But now I wouldn't change anything after seeing my sweet and precious baby girl! My life has been a whirl wind of events and now I'm right where I belong! "He never said it would be easy but it would be worth it!" This is just the beginning of our wonderful little family!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Blogging World

Hello blogging world! Its us, The Mahaffey's! Recently married Sept. 3rd 2011 & loving every second of it! Now Im not much of a blogger like I wish I was but Im going to try. I couldnt of asked for a better wedding or a better person to marry, I married my very best friend & it was the best day of my life! We are expecting baby #1 Feb. 2012 and couldnt be happier! "He" wants a boy of course and as for "She" well she could go either way!:) We go to the doctor this Tuesday to find out! Lets hope the baby will let us find out anyways. Im so excited and cant wait. Its still very crazy to think that I have this little one just growing away inside of me and is almost unreal just because I just feel fat. I havent really felt any movement, sometimes I think that I felt a little flutter of some sort going on and like to think thats our little one just kickin and punchin away in there! Now that football season has started and its very impossible to get my hubby away from the television for 2 seconds on Sundays I cant wait to find out what the little bean is so I can start doing baby stuff on Sundays while the hubby stares of pure enjoyment at the television! Now we do have a couple names picked out but Im not going to say just yet or atleast till we find what we are having. Im hoping to keep this updated as much as possible! Now I know posts arnt that fun unless you add a few pics, so here are some wedding pics! Enjoy!:)